With the changes in media and technology the world has taken a turn in terms of marketing tactics. The way people are attached to social media platforms allows for a new channel for businesses to reach their audiences. No longer do we rely on cold calling or releasing ads in newspapers to promote our company. Companies target their audience with content that not only induces the consumer to buy their product but also encourages them to follow a certain lifestyle. I believe that this shift in the world of technology pushes companies to put a face to their brand and sell one on one with their client.
One of the first things that comes to mind is the way businesses display their company profiles on Instagram. People are attracted to content that comes from a genuine source. Thus, millennials are more induced to buy knowing that someone they follow has previously used that product. This technology connects a customer to that companies Instagram page, and then directly to their website to buy the desired product. Having the affirmation that the product is reliable and the company is very marketable, compels the consumer to be drawn to that product over another. With this drive of social media technology, the marketing funnel strategy is very evident as the consumer travels from social media platforms to company websites.
Many large businesses today also converted their news sources from emails to content driven and highly interactive corporate blogs. This new technological feature not only makes the company more tech savvy, but also drastically increases leads. Personally, I am someone who mostly reads fashion articles or large news platforms to get latest updates. However, the fact the GE Reports offers the same information on such an enticing and beautifully designed platform makes me want to go over to their site to check out “The 5 Coolest Things on Earth Today.” Perhaps it is the clean and chic feel that makes the information look more “cool” than reading it on a news website, but that kind of high-end media strategy drives me to choose GE Reports over any other news source. The availability of high-end website development with media, allows companies to bring themselves closer to their consumers.
The importance of new media also gives companies an edge to learn more about their consumer base through the use of data and analytical software. Let’s take a look at some common applications that you may be using today. Usually when one downloads an app, they click through all the terms and agreements just to get started on using that app. However, the next time you take an Uber, think about how Uber has now taken not only your credentials, but is also in control of tracking your movements from your home to a friend’s house and back. They can then use that information to strategically place their drivers right near your neighborhood at the time that you are most likely to call an Uber. Looking at data from the consumers perspective it may seem like a violation of privacy, however from the company’s perspective this is a brilliant way to increase their presence and revenue. With the rise of data businesses are able to strategically target specific audiences across multiple channels and sources to increase their company awareness.
The digital age allows each individual to become entrepreneurs through the use of social media applications such as Instagram. However, the proximity that people have to each other through the use of new technologies also projects onto the way companies run their marketing strategies. Large firms are able to target their consumer one on one. Through corporate blogging consumers will find themselves choosing one company over another by the content of the blog. Finally, with the advancements in new innovative technologies large businesses are able to make calculated decisions with the advantage of large data. New media has transformed businesses, and I truly believe that these new technologies will continue to revolutionize modern day marketing.