Podcasting is one of the greatest content marketing channels. Joe Pulizzi, the founder of Content Marketing Institute, describes content marketing as “the marketing and business process for creating and distributing valuable and compelling content to attract, acquire and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience with the objective of driving profitable customer action”. Podcasting fits well into this definition.
By podcasting, you can develop a deep connection with your audience. There are certain benefits of presenting information in such an auditory format. For example, you can emphasize important points in your audio sessions by regulating your voice tone. In this blog post, I will tell you five reasons why podcasting is great for Digital Marketing.
1. They are easy to make
How to record a podcast?
Podcasts are inexpensive and quick to produce. To create a podcast, you will have to record your voice. The podcast equipment set-up you need should inclue a computer, microphone, and a program to record your voice. There are various podcast recording software available online. Using an app or a podcast website like Anchor, you can record, edit, and publish podcasts right on your smartphone be it android or iphone, which makes things further simple. You can also find different kinds of podcast mixers to make your content more attractive.
2. You can consume it anywhere, anytime
According to a survey published in Edison Research, while homes continue to be one of the most preferred locations for listening to podcasts, listening while inside a vehicle is a strong second. The convenience of consumption makes podcasts favoured over videos and text which require you to engage with it visually (either watch or read). On the contrary, you can listen to a podcast while driving, jogging, at the gym and doing other activities. The survey further states that podcasting continues to grow at a steady rate of 21% to 24% year over year, and the audience for podcasting is predominantly in the 18-54 age group, are educated and affluent.
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3. You can reach more people
By submitting your podcast to different directories, you can reach more people. Some of the best websites to listen to podcasts are iTunes (for Mac users), Spotify, Google Play Music, Blubrry, and Spreaker. By ensuring that bloggers and the influencers notice your podcasts online, your channel will grow. You can also add transcripts of the podcasts so they are easily searchable on search engines. You can also post your podcasts on blogs, to get more engagement and reduce bounce rate.
4. It builds a relationship between you and your audience
When somebody is listening to your voice, it is easy to convince them for conversion with your personality and genuineness. Use voice modulation to emphasize important points. By having them become familiar with your views, creative ideas, voice and format, your audience will start to trust you.
Pro Tip: Make a good podcast intro to engage your audience from the very beginning.
Credits: Matt D’Avella
5. You can acquire more customers
Podcasting gives you access to many customers downloading from iTunes and other directories. They may not be very large in numbers, but they belong to a niche that you have created for yourself. Use podcasts to tighten your niche. After all, you don’t want thousands of people who are not interested in your product or service. Instead, it’s better to attract a few hundred individuals who are really interested in your product or service. This little niche may one day become very big.
Once you’re established in a niche, you can begin to target their pain points. Speak their language and ask what problems they are facing. Modify your product or service accordingly to give them what they need, and they will be ready to pay you more attention.
In this blog post, I have covered five major reasons why podcasting is a great digital marketing channel. They are really easy to make and audiences can consume them anywhere anytime, thus they can reach more people. Podcasts create a relationship of trust between audience and the podcaster and therefore are useful for conversions. In this digital marketing format, listeners go through a narrative by sound, music, and dialogue which can give an immersive and contextually relevant experience.